
179 items found, showing page 2 of 15

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitla

Park Mark & Park Access awarded to Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital

Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital shares pride at receiving the prestigious accreditations

Q-Park Knightsbridge

Four Park Mark awards for Q-Park in London

Q-Park Ltd have once again demonstrated the highest standards across their parking operations

friary fields car park

Park Mark and Park Access awards achieved by multiple car parks across Maldon District Council

Maldon District Council demonstrates the highest standards across its parking operations

Q Park Surrey

Park Mark Plus awarded to Q Park - Surrey Street Car Park

Q-Park demonstrates dedication to excellence in parking operations

five lorries parked up

Calls to improve facilities for lorry drivers supported by BPA

The findings from a report by Transport Focus highlighting the need to improve facilities for lorry drivers come as no surprise to the British Parking Association (BPA). For too long these facilities have been below standard, not offering safe places for drivers to rest, eat and park their vehicles.

Lister 2

Lister Hospital Multi-Storey Car Park in Stevenage accredited with Park Mark and Park Access awards

The Lister Hospital MSCP located in Stevenage in Hertfordshire has once again demonstrated the highest standards in its parking operations.

British Parking Association

Dacorum Borough Council retains Park Mark awards car parks across the borough

Sites across the borough demonstrate the highest possible standards across their parking operations.

Agate Road Car Park

Park Mark awarded to various sites across Tendring District Council

Tendring District Council’s facilities demonstrate the highest standards across their parking operations.

Q-Park Meadows

Park Access awarded to The Q-Park

Meadows Q-Park Multi Storey Car Park, Chelmsford shares pride at receiving prestigious Park Access accreditation

Q-Park Meadows Park Mark Plus

Park Mark Plus awarded to The Meadows Multi Storey Car Park, Chelmsford Q-Park

Q-Park demonstrates the highest standards across its parking operations.

British Parking Association

The British Parking Association welcomes new Government funding to improve HGV Parking and driver welfare

The British Parking Association (BPA) is delighted that the UK Government will be investing over £14 million in improving working conditions within the freight sector. This significant investment underscores their commitment to modernise the freight industry, enhance operations, and ensure better working environments for the workforce.

Car Park in Rotherham Photo 1

Parking Company recognised with top car park safety award

A parking company has been recognised for the safety, security and cleanliness of its facility after receiving the prestigious Park Mark® award.