New Panel to Oversee UK Private Parking Sector Code
The newly established Panel is set to oversee the UK’s private parking Sector Single Code of Practice (the Code). A key priority will be to urgently review the recent media case where a motorist was being taken to court after taking longer than 5 minutes to pay for parking, this has been dubbed the five minute payment rule.
The Private Parking Scrutiny and Advice Panel (PPSAP) will provide an impartial oversight mechanism to ensure the Code raises standards for consumers. It will also fast-track updates to the Code to reflect technological advancements and better protect consumers.
The panel’s first major action will be a revision to the Code that protects genuine motorists who have difficulty making prompt payment on entry. This urgent reform is aimed at ensuring fairness for motorists and will come into effect by February 2025.
Addressing the “5 minute payment rule,” is just one example of the role the PPSAP will have. The PPSAP will:
- Regularly review and enhance the Code to improve standards for motorists and operators.
- Monitor decisions made by independent adjudicators for consistency.
- Develop and enforce a consistent scheme of sanctions to ensure fair application of the Code.
- Engage with consumer groups and government for a full Code review by April 2025.
- Regularly meet with Consumer groups to hear motorists voice and concerns.
The private parking sector plays a crucial role in managing parking spaces. Current data indicates that over 99.77% of parking events are compliant and free from dispute, but the Panel aims to build further trust and transparency in the system with elevated standards.
Andrew Pester, Chief Executive of the British Parking Association said: “The formation of this panel is an important step in delivering consistency to the oversight of the private parking sector Single Code of Practice. We want to demonstrate that not only are we serious about raising standards but also making decisive changes to the code when issues arise.”
Will Hurley, CEO of the International Parking Community (IPC), emphasized the significance of this move: “The creation of the Panel shows the commitment the industry has to improving the reputation of our sector. We must not forget the valuable service we provide to ensure the vast majority of people can park when and where they need to.”
Notes to editors
1) The Private Parking Scrutiny and Advice Panel (PPSAP) will be chaired by an individual who is independent from the sector.
2) Has been created, but not yet formed. Members will be confirmed by 31st January 2025
3) Purpose The purpose of the PPSAP is to:
monitor and measure the application and success of the Sector Single Code of Practice (the Code)
give operational guidance as to enable consistent application of the Code across the whole sector
review and develop the Code to drive further consistency and improved standards for consumers and parking operators and service providers alike
design, develop and deploy a consistent scheme of sanctions to underpin responsible, reasonable, and rational application of the Code
monitor the deployment of the scheme of sanctions by the respective Accredited Trade Associations to ensure consistency in its application.
to provide transparency on the oversight of the sector and increase confidence in the sector by stakeholders including Government and consumers.
monitor consistency of decisions made by independent adjudicators
4) The “5 minute payment rule” was originally covered by the BBC: HERE
5) The BPA is a not-for-profit membership association representing the UK’s parking and mobility sector. We provide a leading membership community to support parking and traffic management professionals to deliver the highest quality services that benefits society and the environment. We represent over eight hundred corporate members including local government, commercial providers, parking system operators, consultants, and academics. In addition, we have a separate membership structure for over 650 individuals and a range of benefits to support their professional development. Our Vision is for a diverse and inclusive membership community that supports a parking and travel experience that exceeds expectations.