
Private Parking

Approved Operator Scheme facts and statistics

Approved Operation Scheme 2023 census

10,187,395 PCNs issued by our members 
90.7% issued via ANPR

47.5% of issued PCNs are paid
81.4% of paid PCNs are settled at the discounted rate 
21.9% appealed to the operator
56.6% of appeals to the operator were successful
0.85% were taken to appeal at POPLA

ANPR tickets issued

99.7% of parking events at our members’ ANPR car parks do not result in a parking ticket

Approved Operator Scheme

  • The BPA launched its Approved Operator Scheme (AOS) in 2007
  • POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals) was launched on 1st October 2012
  • Private parking operators expelled since AOS created = 9

Code of Practice

  • The BPA’s AOS Code of Practice is continually reviewed by government and stakeholders including the DVLA, RAC Foundation, and Citizens Advice
  • Private parking operators must adhere to the Code of Practice and a robust audit and Scheme of Sanctions ensures our members comply


POPLA is an independent appeals body that adjudicates private parking tickets issued by BPA Approved Operators.  For information about appeals lodged with POPLA please click here to view their annual reports.