
Blue Badge Day of Action 2024
The third National Blue Badge Day of Action will take place on Friday 24 May.

Ready for take-off! The new Approved Meet and Greet Operator scheme
New scheme from the British Parking Association is the only police-supported scheme of its type

Hospital Parking
Many people who attend healthcare facilities, either as patients or visitors, expect car parking to be free.

EV charging infrastructure and bay enforcement
The expansion of EV charging infrastructure across the UK needs to be ready for when sales of new petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles end by 2035. With 8-11 million vehicles expected to need charging by 2030 enforcement of EV chargepoint bays is becoming increasingly important.

Preventing suicide in car parks
Suicide is a tragic loss of life, but there are things the parking sector can do to prevent suicide and minimise trauma to parking professionals

We support DMUK's Baywatch campaign
Disabled Motoring UK's Baywatch campaign monitors the level of disabled parking bay abuse at supermarkets

Frontline Officer welfare
Frontline parking staff ensure people park safely and considerately. It is important they are able to do this job without verbal or physical abuse.

Don't be a selfish parker
Our public perception research revealed that anti-social and inconsiderate parking are the biggest frustrations people experience

The Positive Parking Agenda
The PPA is a national campaign that aims to build public confidence in the parking sector.

Pavement parking
We lobby government to create a common standard to prevent drivers from parking on pavements

Government consultations
We respond to all government consultations that impact our members. Government consultations are an important opportunity to have your say on policy development in the parking, mobility and traffic management sector. As the breadth of our membership continues to grow so does the breadth of the consultations we respond to.

Nuisance Vehicles
Nuisance vehicles include those that have either three or more unpaid penalty charge notices (PCNs), no road tax, no valid MOT, or no insurance.