
Monday Musing: A shot in the arm!

BPA Director of Corporate and Public Affairs Kelvin Reynolds  takes a look at some of the work the parking sector is doing before looking ahead to diagnose some of the issues on the horizon. 

The UK is in the top three countries in the global league table of most vaccinated people by the percentage of the population with the parking community playing its part. The vaccination rollout will save lives and help keep our country running. NHS staff and volunteers will doubtless be working day and night as they step up to the unprecedented challenge we face as a nation. The older and more vulnerable members of our communities are being invited to attend a vaccination centre – a stressful time for many and one which the BPA believes should never result in a parking ticket.

As we emerge from ‘Lockdown 3’ we need to consider the parking and traffic management impact. Social distancing is likely to be around for most of 2021, public transport use will remain limited, active travel will be encouraged, and we will mainly be holidaying at home.

When Lockdown 1 restrictions were eased last summer, difficulties in travelling abroad led to a marked increase in people holidaying or making day trips to coastal destinations, country parks, places of outstanding natural beauty, and areas popular for walking, and local authorities (LAs) struggled to manage the surge in demand. Car parks had insufficient capacity, and selfish parking spilled over into the surrounding areas, causing major disruption, congestion, and social unrest with numerous stories of people trespassing on residents’ properties, picnicking, parking, and causing an obstruction. The £60 penalty charge (discounted to £30) was seen by some as part of the cost of visiting the seaside, and especially when there were two or three adults in the car. In short, it was a cheap day out with no deterrent.

We can and must be better prepared for 2021. The BPA is speaking with governments across the UK to ensure that LAs are better prepared to effectively manage any surge in demand.  We will support our members with new publicity materials and communications about the consequences of selfish parking and encouraging people to park properly.

It is vital that LAs have access to effective tools such as CCTV and ANPR cameras, making it easier for frontline staff to be redeployed to manage compliance. Improved sanctions - such as increased penalty charges, and more effective removal and relocation services for non-compliance are also needed.  Now more than ever, LAs need their own shot in the arm, to build up community immunity to selfish parking, antisocial behaviour, and congestion. Hopefully, the UK’s governments are listening and will act decisively, just as they have done with the vaccine programme.